45 years experience in IT
Gartner Vice President, Analyst & Agenda Manager – 24 years
- Authored over 15 Magic Quadrants, Critical Capabilities, and Market Guides
- Authored additional research including Cool Vendors, Innovation Insights, Hype Cycles, Predicts, Content Primers, Toolkits, Best Practices, Survey Analyses, Trend Reports and more
- Spoke at and chaired Gartner Business Continuity Management (founding member) and Security conferences worldwide
- Spoke at Gartner and end user and vendor webinars, and external vendor and BCM conferences
- Founded and Chaired the “Women in Cybersecurity” track at Gartner's Security Summits
- Launched the BCMP, EMNS, and Crisis Management Markets
- Introduced the first Organizational Resilience, Business Continuity Management, and Women in Cybersecurity research areas
- Conducted many market viability research and assessments, contract reviews, and collateral reviews for end users and vendors
- Crafted custom consulting and training for end users and vendors
Prior Experience
- Successfully managed the Technology Risk Management Program for a division of a worldwide financial institution. Activities included awareness training, policy implementation advisory services and compliance assessment and monitoring. Areas of focus include: Logical Security, Network Security, Change Management Control, Business Continuity, Privacy, Intellectual Property, Audit Management, Consultant Usage, New Technology Introduction, New Business Products, Outside Service Providers and Virus Detection and Prevention.
- Interacted with Legal/Compliance on a continuous basis to ensure that regulatory agency requirements such as the Chinese Wall policy, off-site trading policy, electronic client communications, were identified and properly implemented within the technology environment.
- Developed and distributed the Americas Region Information Security Policy and Technology Code of Ethics (TCE) to all personnel.
- Developed and distributed of the Information Security Services Model and Information Security requirements for production turnovers of business applications and technical infrastructure components.
- Initiated and managed the Security Administration function
- Initiated and managed the EDP Audit Program for Information Technology. This program required interaction with all EDP auditors - local, corporate, external, regulatory agencies, and coordination with technology management, internal systems development and technical infrastructure personnel.
- Initiated and managed the monthly Information Technology Internal Controls review. This process tracked actual versus planned compliance to pre-defined control requirements. Control categories included: Delivering Today’s Technology, Preparing For Tomorrow’s Technology, Financial and Contract Administration, Information Security, Business Continuity, Quality Assurance and EDP Audit.
Expertise includes:
- Organizational Resilience program best practices
- Business Continuity Management program best practices
- Business Impact Analysis best practices
- Exercise management best practices
- Pandemic management best practices
- BCMP software
- EMNS software
- Crisis management software
What motivates me?
Being authentic, honest, and direct
Favorite quotation:
“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”
– Arundhati Roy